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What is Meditation? Think You Can't Meditate? You're Wrong.

Meditation, tips, tricks, get started, how to meditate, breathe, focus, relax, beginner, calm down, workplace stress, burnout, work happy
A woman learning how to meditate, practice mindfulness and calm breathing

Learning to #meditate is a really rewarding journey and a really useful life skill. When and while learning meditation, we are taking an active role as leaders of our own lives, we are stepping out of automatic pilot, literally rewiring our nervous system and brains, changing our hormones and learning how to reduce stress, improve our sleep, calm our minds, get along better with others and feel happier and more joyful.

A lot of people think they can't meditate, but as you will learn in this article, everyone can meditate - you just need to find the type of meditation style, plus a way of teaching and practicing that is right for you! :)

What is Meditation?

You might actually be surprised by what meditation is, even if you've heard a few things about it, so take a deep breath and let's get to it.

Meditation in the scientific sense is a family of mind training practices that help to train the quality of our minds - meaning how aware, stressed, focus, relaxed, present, compassionate, kind we are etc. Much like movement overall is an umbrella term to describe ways of training our body - anything from running to dancing to lifting weights is a sort of movement training, meditation in a similar way is an umbrella term for practices that help us to train and strengthen certain qualities of mind and being that we may need to live healthier and happier.

At the same time, meditation is a very ancient practice. Meditations have been used for thousands of years by people in different parts of the world to improve their quality of life and health, and assist them in achieving certain goals.

Mindfulness Meditation, foe example, is a practice to calm and center the brain by paying attention. And most often, what we’re paying attention to is our breath.

How Many Meditation Types Are There?

Which Meditation Type is Right for You?

Meditation Is a Skill

What Can Make Meditation Easier?

Can Really Anyone Meditate?

Can Meditation Make Things Worse for People With Certain Conditions?

How to Meditate

As one of our most favorite teachers Andy explains, "Meditation is not about becoming a different person, a new person. It's about being who we are right now, switching off reactivity, getting a healthy sense of perspective and understanding ourselves better."

Meditation, mindfulness, breathwork, breathing, relaxation, peace, inner peace, how to meditate, breathe, tipcs, tricks, nature, calm down, mind, heart, body, reset
Two people meditating peacefully in nature after work and calmly watching the sunset


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