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Almost everything works better again if you unplug it for a bit, including you. 

Get the benefits of regular practice & mind training without any fuss.

Our Services

Partner with us

Mindart is committed to empowering your employees to live a healthier and more fulfilling life, while ensuring you reach your ESG/CSR goals.

We work with you to discover and provide what works best for your organization.

Mindart Core Offers:

  • Introduction to Corporate Mindfulness 

  • Corporate Mindfulness Course: 6/ 8 Weeks

  • Corporate Mindfulness & Sustainability (ESG/CSR compliance) 

  • Custom Programs & Workshops 

  • Playful Corporate Mindfulness

  • Weekly Mindfulness Classes  (via any online platform of your choice - 15, 30, 45, 60-minute sessions in a 3 - 6 - 9 -12 months program).
                                    Additional Offers:

  • ESG/CSR Reporting

  • Mindful Leadership Training

  • Mindfulness Workplace Strategy 

  • MINDFUL toolkit for employees 

  • Physical product: The Mindfulness Calendar 2025

For more information download our brochure or see a very brief overview below.

Mindart Core Offers 

 Introduction to  Mindfulness 

A Great Start

An introductory session in applied corporate mindfulness meditation for people with or without previous meditation experience. The session is experiential and include some basic mindfulness practices and tips that participants can start using right away.


Duration: 1h - 3hours.

Price: Starting at 600EUR.

 Corporate Mindfulness Course: 6/ 8 Weeks

Build sustainable mindfulness skills, knowledge and practices

This  course is the most effective way for training and teaching mindfulness skills globally.  It goes way beyond a meditation or mindfulness class. It provides deep knowledge and science, yet it is participatory, experiential and based on inquiry-style of teaching, learning and development.

Duration: 6-8 weeks.


Pricing: Get in touch. Varied, based on duration, group size, format (in person/online).

Workshops & 

Solve a Specific Pain Point

Tailor made mindfulness workshops. We cover a wide range of topics from getting out of automatic pilot, stress reduction, focus, emotional awareness, communication,

creativity, procrastination, resilience, happiness skills and more. Browse the list in our brochure or get in touch and we can go over your specific needs for your event.

Duration: 60min - 3hours.

Starting at 800EUR.

Weekly Mindfulness Classes

Flexible Scheduling

Weekly wellness classes (15-60min) adapted to the timing and schedule of your team. The classes are the perfect way to provide the space for daily reset, habit building and engagement. Just 15 min rest a day are invaluable when it comes to health, optimal  performance and great teamwork.

Class Duration: 15-60 min.

Program Length: 3 - 6 - 9 months. 


Up to 1000 people of your team can join each class online.


Pricing: Varied based on duration/ length/ participants.

Corporate Mindfulness & Sustainability (ESG/CSR)

Corporate Responsibility

All the benefits of our mindfulness course plus an expanded curriculum, trainings and specific actions on either ESG or CSR to further your legal requirements set out by the European Directives or the National Legislations in your country.

We care deeply about sustainability and doing our part. We also believe that mindfulness and sustainability go hand in hand. That's why we support organizations in achieving their ESG and CSR objectives. Our sustainability programs are designed to help your organization transform from within.

Duration: Usually 10 weeks. 

Price: Starting at 900EUR/ week.

Corporate Mindfulness

1-3 day intensive or 8 week program

 This is a very special take on our corporate mindfulness programs, in which play, fun and creativity take the lead.


We use a combination of improvisation, theater, storytelling, social circus and creative mindfulness techniques, experiential and embodied learning to teach valuable stress reduction, awareness skills and mindfulness concepts.

Price: Get in touch.

Additional Offers

Please get in touch for prices for our additional offers

ESG/CSR Reporting

Get It Done

We create reports in line with ESG/CSR for you based on the educational and training services we have provided. You can use it alongside your other activities to report and prove your yearly commitment to ESG/CSR.

Mindful Workplace Strategy & Implementation Plan

Having a plan gets you ahead

Create your mindfulness strategy for the years to come. The MWSIP is a structured plan outlining how an organization will integrate mindfulness principles, practices, and initiatives into its operations and culture to foster well-being, resilience, and performance.


For The Leaders Of Tomorrow

Learn how to use mindfulness to help with your leadership challenges. Leading with mindfulness doesn't replace other leadership methods - it helps you to use them better and take care of yourself.


Being a manager has always been challenging, but today leaders are facing unprecedented change and complexities. Get the calmness and clarity you need to make decisions, communicate and manage effectively. 

Mindful Toolkit
for employees

Flexible Scheduling

Create your customized and branded Mindful Employee Toolkit. The MET is a comprehensive resource that you can distribute and equip employees with practical mindfulness techniques and resources to enhance well-being, resilience, and performance in the workplace.

Mindful 365:
The Mindfulness Calendar 2025

Corporate Responsibility

A unique physical book-calendar tool, created by us to help integrate and practice mindfulness daily in a fun, pleasant and non-intrusive way.

Why work with us?

Our programs are rooted in science and deliver tangible results, equipping participants with immediate, practical tools for personal and professional growth.  


We can support your organizations in achieving your ESG and CSR objectives (even helping with your reporting), while successfully improving your employee well-being, performance and culture.

With an added layer of lightheartedness, play and joy, our sessions make mindfulness accessible and enjoyable. ​


We offer exceptional facilitation. We create safe, beginner-to-advanced friendly experiences, tailored to the unique workflow, company structure, schedule, needs and aspirations of each client.

Here's also why

Exceptional Quality

Sustainability, ESG/CSR focused. Truly dedicated to making a difference.

Variety of solutions and offers to fit with your specific needs, time and resources.

 Our Team Behind Each Program Are Experienced & Trained in:
Mindfulness teaching.
MBSR teaching. 
Interventions at work.
Digital health.
Holistic Health.
Neuroscience & Brain Hacking.
Pain Management.

Human Development.
Meditation teaching.
Meditation therapy.
Storytelling therapy.

Group-work & Group Dynamics.
Play & Creative Mindfulness.
Applied Theater Methods.
Design Thinking.

Excellent Quality of


 Facilitation & Expertise.

Safe, fun, lighthearted, non-judgemental, kind and relaxed atmostphere.

Trained in intercultural awareness, multi-cultural differences and understanding.


We believe in supporting sustainable change. That is why we offer steep discounts - up to 30% to startups and small businesses, and organize accessible community events. 
a manager and an employee mindfully solving problems, resting during a break, having a tea and working together, laughing and enjoying corporate vibe
two colleagues mindfully problem solving, creative brainstorm,  discussing a problem working together happily

Caring For 
The Next Generation

We are looking to partner with educational institutions and educational service providers to equip the next generation of leaders, creators and thinkers with the mind-training resources they need to thrive. 
A stressed our boss, manager, leader, burnt out, sitting on couch. overwhelmed worried about a project and performance, struggling with decision making

Does it sound familiar to you to have the evening off, but all you can do is zone out with social media or the TV?

Maybe you even get in a fight with your partner and go for yet another drink or smoke.

Somehow your confidence and ability to truly rest, recover, be hopeful, creative and ENJOY all of life have dwindled.


You go to sleep with the hopes of a new day. Your sleep is poor, and you wake up the next morning -  still exhausted - only to get into a series of back-to-back meetings, in which your entire system gets overloaded, your focus seems to be off,  but your team needs you and you have a few extra unexpected problems on your to-do list that all need to be dealt with yesterday.

You chug a few cups of coffee with unhealhty food wondering if there is a better way to do all this?

There is a better way!

Imagine now that at any of these points - upon waking up in the morning, or between and even during the stressful meetings  you actually had resources that could help you to pause, reset, reground and enjoy YOUR work, your moments and your life. 

Would you like to have meetings in which everyone is less-stressed out, more present, efficient and positive? 

Would you like to sleep better, have a better work-life balance, more confidence, greater innovation and problem-solving capacities, so your best self can really shine through?



That’s what we can do

for you and your team. 

- [ ] A happy manager sitting on a bridge after work, resting, recovering, mindful break time, be present, living In the now, enjoying the moment, happy work
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