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Training your mind to be in the present moment is the number one key to making healthier choices.

Susan Albers

Mindful nature, restoration, mountains, relax, break, holiday, team-building, peace, inner-peace, relaxation, grounding, mindfulness at work, holiday

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We are interested in Corporate Mindfulness. Where do we start?

  • How do I choose among different Corporate Mindfulness Providors?

  • How much do Mindart offers cost?

  • How to choose which of our offers is best for you?

  • How can Corporate Mindfulness help in the current crisis?

We are interested in Corporate Mindfulness.
Where do we start?

You’ve heard about some of the largest corporations and innovative business starting to use mindfulness. Now, you’re curious about why they are providing these programs, what they look like, what are the different options, how your organization could benefit from one of these programs, and what they cost.

It can be hard to figure that out. 

In most cases, your best starting point depends on your team, budget, schedule, other programming, yearly goals. There are two ways to go about it.


  • The quickest way to sort out what is is the best way to get started is to get in touch. We can help you find out what the possibilities are, so you can make an informed decision and know what to expect.


  • Alternatively, you can get started yourself. To do that you can also scroll through our FAQ page, download our brochures, and educate yourself on mindfulness as a practice. You can talk to companies who already have mindfulness programs, create your own vision, and then get in touch with us for a specific vision you already have.

How do I choose among different CM providers?

That's a great question!

Please, be aware. There are a lot of people who are facilitating group mindfulness or meditation without the necessary training. Other people are great teachers in a yoga studio, don't manage groups well or do not know what to focus on to bring a specific result forth both for the company and for your employees.

The goal for our programs and facilitating style is for mindfulness to become a practice that your team and you love, that helps you to be happy and resilient, and that you can easily implement, rather than it becoming another thing to do on an already backed-up schedule.

We recommend the following: 

  • Checking qualifications and experience. 

  • Meeting your facilitator even for a quick call and seeing who they are as a person. You need someone who didn't just go through a program but who can embody mindfulness and exemplify it.

  • Checking what kind of programs they offer - are the programs flexible and can they match your company's needs, schedule and pace. Can they offer solutions beyond a single workshop or program?

  • Checking their costs as they relate to deliverables and your budget.

  • It is best to choose a provider who has a variety of offers, who can adjust them based on your needs, and who can work with you in a long-term, sustainable partnership to get to know your people, and nourish and expand your workplace' happiness and health.

How much do Mindart offers cost?

We like to be transparent with our costs. It can be difficult to give an estimated price without knowing your team size, location (in person/online) and exact needs. 

We are interested in being your long-term partner, so we offer generous discounts if you book more of our services, or if - for example - you book our one of our 6 or 8 week courses for a few departments.




Our prices start at only $150/class. The exact price depends upon whether the class is taught in person or taught virtually via Zoom, how many people are included in the class, and the length of the class. We offer a variety of breathwork, mindfulness and meditation classes. You can view a list of our classes in our brochure. 


Our specialty workshops start at 700EUR. Our prices are currently lower than some other providers because we are a little newer to the market in Europe.




The exact price depends upon the length of the program, whether it is taught in person or taught virtually via Zoom, how many people are included in the class, and the type of program: e.g. Corporate Mindfulness & Stress Reduction, Mindfulness and Sustainability/CSR or Playful Mindfulness.

How to choose among our offers?

We recommend to start with these steps:

1)  Assess your current needs and goals, the prior experience of your team and company with mindfulness - none, some, a lot, etc.  

2)  Explore our brochure and mark your favorites.


3)  Most partners find helpful to get in touch with us to discuss the options and get personalized solutions.

How does mindfulness help in the current
stress and mental health crisis?

Corporate mindfulness and meditation can help you to deepen awareness, cultivate different attitudes and practices that help to boost resilience, reduce inflammation, improve immune system function and promote healthier behaviors.


Firstly, you learn to get out of automatic pilot and reduce stress. You learn to regulate your attention, so that you worry less about the future or ruminate about the past. You also learn how to be less affected by difficult thoughts, regulate your emotions and cultivate a more balanced mind and body.


Furthermore, you develop the capacity to become more relaxed and ground yourself, for example through mindfulness of the body and the breath. You learn how to be kinder to yourself, listen to and respect your stress symptoms and how to take better care of yourself. Then, you can show up better both at work and in your personal life, you become a happier, more productive and more relaxed person.

Have more questions?

Contact us:

Monday through Friday

9:00 - 16:00

Please, allow up to 24 hours for us to get back to you.

Mindful Moments

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